Showing up in your Best Self during divorce proceedings can be challenging at best and feel impossible when interactions get tough.

There are so many stakeholders during a divorce including your kids, your extended family, your ex’s family, your lawyer, friends, this list goes on…

This Best Self Exercise will help you ensure you do not damage these relationships with your own reactions or unhealthy behaviors!!!

None of us can stay in our Best Self all the time, try as we might, we are all human, we are all going to make mistakes or act in ways that we are not proud of.

But if we keep repeating mistakes, we can cause our divorce proceedings to go into a downward spiral which has long-term repercussions.  

Or we can damage our relationship with friends, family or worst case scenario with our KIDS

For ONLY $38, get this self-guided Best Self Exercise, video and one coaching session with Lee Wright.

Lee Israch Wright

Lee Wright

Divorce Coach
This exercise will help you proactively define How You Want to Show Up!

And help you catch yourself and change your reactions and behaviors when you are not acting in YOUR BEST SELF. 

That is why I am offering this inexpensive option of a self-guided exercise for Identifying Your Best Self Exercise for only $38.

What You Will Get:

  • Worksheet with the exercise of defining how you want to show up in your BEST SELF during your divorce
  • Video that helps you complete the worksheet and put the results of the exercise into practice daily
  • One coaching session with experienced Divorce Coach, Lee Wright ensure you are showing up in your BEST SELF
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Divorce is a difficult process and many times it feels like we can barely get through the next hour, let alone get through the day in our Best Self.

But, we have to sleep with ourselves at night and it helps to know that we showed up the way we wanted to or apologized if we did not.

Download this Best Self Exercise to outline how you want to show up and what your Best Self will look like during your divorce process along with the video on how to complete the exercise and put your plan into action.

As a Coach, one of my roles is to help my clients become more aware of their own behaviors and how they are showing up during the divorce process. 

A live session with one of my clients to complete this exercise is $120 but I am offering it here in this self guided option for $38.