Divorce Group Coaching Program

Do you need some additional support and guidance as you navigate the emotional and practical minefield that divorce can feel like at times.

If you answered yes then this online Divorce Group Coaching program is perfect for you.

The program is for anyone who is at any stage of their divorce.

Having a tribe during times of life upheaval can feel like a lifeline. The growth that takes place through group work is quite miraculous, there is a lot of sharing, learning and supporting which is healing when you are giving and receiving.

Women sitting alone in the mountain

Divorce can feel very isolating and confusing for many reasons. This group has been created to provide an opportunity to connect with others who are going through similar ups and downs that are inevitable during divorce or for the first year post divorce.

The group will meet weekly for one and half hours for eight weeks and each participant will also get 30 minutes of individual coaching every other week. The Groups are generally 4-5 people so that everyone has time to share and get feedback and feel fully heard each week.

Each week members will share their biggest challenge at that moment. The group will listen and possibly share how they dealt with a similar situation or ask questions to help them get to a place of comfort or thoughts on how to move forward.

A women smiling and she is Lee wright

Lee Wright, Certified Divorce Coach will facilitate the group to ensure that everyone has a chance to share and be heard. Lee works with clients one-on-one in all the phases of divorce and post-divorce transition. She decided to start this group to create a community of support for those going through this phase of life as she realized how isolated her clients were feeling and knew that there is so much healing from having a tribe rather than just one guide. The Group Coaching program also makes it more affordable if regular one-on-one coaching is not realistic during and post divorce when there are so many financial challenges splitting a household into two. Many of Lee’s one-on-one clients choose to do the group coaching as well for the opportunity to connect with others and the chance to share some of the lessons they have learned which can be very healing to know that you are able to give back in some way even when you are struggling. It reminds you of how much you still have to offer to yourself and to others.

The cost for the eight week program is $380 if paid up front or 4 installments of $100

The program consists of:

  • 8 Group Coaching sessions (1.5 hours each)
  • 4 Thirty minute Individual Coaching sessions

Many people fear the idea of Group Coaching since it means opening up to a group of strangers. Surprisingly, many of Lee’s clients have reported to her that they were surprised to realize that it felt more comfortable sharing and showing vulnerability with complete strangers than family or friends when it came to the topic of divorce.

If anything about this Group Coaching Program sounds appealing, you can reach out to Lee to set up a 15 minute free consultation session with her to determine if it is a good fit for you.

A women achieving freedom in the middle of divorce
If you would like to register for the Divorce Group Coaching program right now, register below.

Groups start on the 1st of every month and run for 8 weeks.  You can join a group as late as week 3 and it will be pro-rated for the sessions you missed.  After the 3rd week, you should rather join the group that is starting the following month.

The first year post-divorce is also a time of big transitions and can feel very overwhelming.