A little bit about Lee

My passion is to help men and women navigate the tumultuous divorce process and grow personally so that they feel more centered, confident and optimistic about the next chapter of their lives.

I feel like I have grown and blossomed more in the last five years during and after my divorce than I did in the 20 years prior. I am in a very happy place with myself, my life and my relationships and I look forward to helping others who are a few steps behind me on this journey to get to where I am today.

Along with being a Certified Divorce Coach, I am a mom to two amazing teenagers, a dancer and an avid world traveler. I am also a Yoga Instructor and a Manager of AirBNB rentals. I tend to juggle multiple balls in the air, I love diversity and change. But most importantly, I am a kind, compassionate, happy human being who enjoys helping others. I am driven at times but I also have a zest for life. I want to experience as much as I can in my time here on earth!!!

Lee Wright Coaching Picture in the Wall

When my Marriage Ended

When my marriage of 18 years ended, I felt like I was on an emotional rollercoaster.  I was grieving the loss of a dream of an intact family and a life-long partner while at the same time I felt like an uncaged bird freed to enjoy a second chapter in my adult life.  My other emotional stressor was my fear and concern for how my divorce would impact my kids.  For me it was easier to deal with the emotional side of this overwhelming life transition in small chunks over a very long period of time.  I definitely compartmentalized some of the pain to process later when I could tell I was getting overwhelmed by hard emotions.  And even five years after my divorce, I am still working through some of the anger, sadness and guilt that comes with divorce.

For us custody was not an issue which was lucky, that makes it much more difficult, so it was purely a financial negotiation. Once I hired a lawyer, I got into super focused divorce mode.  Preparing for mediation became my part-time job.  I did my research online, had a very strong support system who helped me analyze our finances so that I had a very clear idea of what a reasonable settlement would look like for me based on Florida statutes, the length of our marriage and our financial picture.

I knew that I needed an outcome that would provide me some time to create a foundation to be able to take care of myself and my kids.  I had always worked in both Corporate America and then as a contractor and a Yoga Instructor but my ex was the primary breadwinner and my career took a back seat once the kids arrived. 

I spoke to everyone I knew who had been divorced to get their lessons learned.  I created a divorce binder that had every single document you can imagine with tabs and sticky notes so that I felt confident and empowered when I went into mediation.  I would go for long walks thinking through what I realistically needed financially to get myself to a point where I could take care of myself.  I let go of the guilt I felt about the idea that I needed alimony to get me on my own two feet in a lifestyle that was sustainable long-term.  

I had a good attorney who kept me calm, reassured me and told me to ignore the tactics my ex’s horrible lawyer was using to try to rile things up and scare me.  A good lawyer is key but your own mindset is just as important!!!  You must be able to advocate for yourself.  You must know what you want!!  You must be realistic, knowledgeable and come from a non-emotional place!  The financial aspect is the ‘business of divorce,’ and looking at it like this can save you both a drawn out fight that ruins your co-parenting relationship and large legal bills.   

My research and preparation set me up to go into mediation knowing what type of settlement I believed was fair and gave me the chance to rebuild and get on my own two feet.  My wish is for everyone who steps into a meditation room to be as informed, prepared and confident as I was.

My Post-Divorce Recovery

My post-divorce recovery was a huge personal growth period for me; The work I have done on myself has been transformational, difficult at times and enlivening at others.  I have worked with a therapist, an Attachment Coach, a Trauma and TRE Coach and participated in various types of in-person and online courses.  I read voraciously and watched an insane amount of YouTube videos from professionals teaching about everything from healing your body and mind…trauma recovery…healthy relationship keys…how to get to a secure attachment style…narcissism…the list goes on.  I journaled regularly during this process too.  I have gained so much insight into how and why I lost myself in my marriage and how to ensure I don’t do that again in future relationships.  

I also took up latin dancing which has brought me so much joy, connection and helped me build back my confidence.  I have had my first few post-divorce relationships which were wonderful in so many ways and taught me a lot about myself and where I still needed to grow.  I have found my passion for life again. I am now very proud of the life I live and the role model I am for my kids about how to live a life that is true to me and filled with joy.

Women with 2 Dogs in a living room
Lady in the garden smiling

My Philosophy and Background

I know that one of the only constants in life is change.  Many times big changes shake us to our foundation and we question how we will make it through.  Divorce is one of the biggest life upheavals most of us will ever go through.  And the ripple effects of divorce affect not only you but your kids, your extended family, your finances and friends as well. 

Ironically, helping people through change is a theme that has been present in all of my career choices.  My Master’s Thesis looked at what is needed to help employees adapt to major organizational changes.  In my years in Corporate America as a Change Management Specialist, my job was to develop and implement communication plans to help employees adjust to major changes in software and processes that affected their jobs in various ways.  

My next career choice was a Yoga Instructor.  I chose this after Yoga helped me during a very challenging health crisis in my late 20s.  After healing myself, I wanted to share Yoga with others.  I love hearing my students tell me how much Yoga has helped them in their lives.    

I decided I wanted to become a Divorce Coach after I helped a very close friend go through a divorce.  I wanted to help others go through the process from a place of strength and get to the place that I am at now in my post-divorce life.  I have found helping my clients through divorce to be rewarding and inspiring.  It makes my heart happy to see others heal, blossom and grow .  

I look forward to helping you navigate this challenging time of life.  Reach out to me so that you can get through the tunnel and out to the light a bit faster.

I get great satisfaction helping others go through the divorce process with less pain and an end result that they feel comfortable with.

 You don’t have to do this all alone or rely solely on your friends and family for guidance.  Let me help you, schedule a free call.

women and a firepit winter

My Certifications:

  • Certified Divorce Coach – CDC – 2021
  • Certified Divorce Recovery Coach – CDC – 2021
  • Mentor – Horizon Scholars Program – 2021
  • Real Estate License – 2011
  • Certified 200 Hour Yoga Instructor – Yoga Journey – 2011
  • Certified Pre & Post-Natal Yoga Instructor – YogaFit – 2010
  • Certified Yoga Instructor Level 1 – YogaFit – 2004
  • Certified Business Coach Level 1 – CoachU – 2003
  • Masters in Organizational Communications – UNC, Chapel Hill – 2000
  • Bachelors in Psychology – University of Florida – 1996
Lee Certificate as CDC


  • Lee was extremely helpful during my divorce. Her background, knowledge, patience, and compassion were exactly what I needed during a very stressful and confusing time. Lee has continued to be helpful to me during this post-divorce time with everything, including dating and career decisions. I am grateful for Lee’s assistance and highly recommend her for anyone undergoing life transitions.

    Neta W.
    Atlanta, GA
  • Sean S.
    Colorado Springs, CO

Where are you now

and how I can help as a coach:

Deciding you are ready to leave your marriage is one of the hardest decisions you will ever make. And even once you make the decision, sticking to your decision and taking action can feel impossible. If you have been going back and forth for a while and want an objective sounding board to help process your thoughts, reach out to me. I can also point you in the right direction to other professionals who can answer questions you might have for both the emotional and practical side of these big decisions.

Download This Values Excercise

Download this Values Assessment to help you determine what your core values are and whether your current relationship is supporting you to live within your core values.

Divorce is a complicated process, there are so many different stakeholders involved including your kids, family, ex-spouse, professionals and yourself.  Trying to keep all the balls of regular life and the divorce moving is hard.  Add on dealing with your own emotions, helping your kids through the process and trying to stay healthy and strong, it can be overwhelming. If you want support through this process, please reach out to me.

Schedule a Free Discovery Call

Don’t waste time and regret, book a free call right now. Check out my 3-step plan below to get you through the divorce process faster with a settlement you are comfortable with and a co-parenting relationship that will help your kids thrive.

When we first start the divorce process, we just want to get through it so that we can be done with it.  But then the divorce is done and we are still here trying to pick up the pieces of our life and ourselves and sometimes this process feels as daunting as the divorce process itself.  If you want support as you evaluate who are and where you are today and where you want to be down the road, I can help.

Download This Values Excercise

Download this Values Assessment to help you determine what your core values are at this point in your life and how you can define your next chapter to align with your core values.