Kelly owns a studio that has these float
pods and I got the opportunity to experience
as the yoga lawyer um so I am a yogi
I just loved floating and I thought maybe I could just get one of their tanks
buoyancy and that feeling of letting yourself relax in water completely without feeling like you have to do anything to stay up
can turn on a light in there and you can turn on
music it’s all inside the Pod you have options
then you can really start to notice things in your mind and body so it’s got a lot of physical benefits of course from the Epsom salt
it as a meditation practice or a way to connect or calm the mind it’s there for you to do that
challenge yourself and explore and try and then see how long you can really do it for until you need to start bouncing around in there
I usually there’s two little tricks I have ones that I turn the fan off in the room
support of the ground beneath you it’s like a
whole different sensation for sure
it looks sort of like a hot tub with a lid on it like it’s bigger and you’re saying tanning bed but it’s like you know wider too
Hosted by Lee Wright
Season EBB & Flow Podcast Be Isnpired
I am a Divorce Coach and I work with my clients and community in many different areas to continue to heal and grow through the divorce process and in the years post-divorce.
This Podcast will talk about every aspect that I believe is helpful for both men and women who are navigating the choppy waters of the divorce itself, the gentle waves of healing that must take place as the divorce storm subsides and then the beautiful horizon as you look at the sun setting over the horizon and define what you want your future to look like in this next season of