Stay in your BEST SELF BEST SELF during your Divorce!
$49 for Best Self Exercise with Video Guide +
1 Free Coaching Session to discuss results and game plan for staying in your Best Self
This toolkit will help you define what the baseline of your Best Self looks like.
Once you have a solid baseline, you can use it to gauge your behavior or when you have stressful or unsuccessful interactions with your ex and you can course correct.
If you can stay in your Best Self most of the time during interactions with your ex, you are doing your part to keep the divorce process moving along which means getting it done faster.
You are also creating a solid foundation of healthy communication for co-parenting post-divorce which is crucial for your kids and your sanity.
Stay in your Best Self during your divorce!
Best Self Exercise with Video Guide +
1 Free Coaching Session to discuss results and game plan for staying in your Best Self
Click Here to get the guide
Why focus on your Best Self during divorce?
We can all react badly here and there, especially when under stress. Divorce is the epitome of an emotional rollercoaster so being conscious ahead of time about how we want to show up will be a lifesaver in the long-run.
The exercise will only take you 10 minutes to complete and the take-aways from such a short investment are HUGE! Here are a few things that could come out of doing this 10 minute exercise:
Faster divorce process
Spend less money on legal fees from a dragged out divorce process
Healthy co-parenting relationship with your ex that prioritizes your children
Being able to sleep at night knowing you acted like an adult
Baseline goal that you can use to hold yourself accountable
Your sanity!