Make time to dream

Many of us forget to dream and visualize what we want our future lives to look like. Without a visual or ability to put it into words, we have no way to create a plan or set goals to make those dreams become a reality. Without sharing those dreams with yourself, others and the universe, your ability to manifest them is so much harder.

Make time to dream, ask yourself what you want, what makes you happy, what a vibrant future/retirement would look like for you.

For most of us, retirement will not look like past generations. Most of us will work part-time, consulting or side gigs until our very last few years. This is not a bad thing, it keeps us young, engaged and challenged.

The key is to imagine how you can create the reality so that it brings you joy and fulfillment.

So once you have the dreams, what are you doing to make it a reality? What sacrifices are you making today so that your future looks different than today?

Is your dream investing real estate, developing a side business, learning to knit, building an online presence? Is your dream to learn to dance or sing? Is your dream to learn another language or retire in a foreign country and speak the language before you arrive? Get engaged? Ask for a divorce?

Get started, there is no time like the present!
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